Manchester Transactional Analysis Conference 2025, Workshop Information
Relationships: Paradigms, Purpose and Possibilities.
The views and opinions expressed by the conference presenters are solely those of the original presenters and other contributors. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of the MANTAC committee, UKATA, members of those bodies and/or any/all contributors to this conference.
Yinka Junaid (MSc TA Psychotherapy, CTA, EMDR Europe Accredited Practitioner, MA MBACP (Accred) )
Edited Out: Introjected parents and Cultural Self.
This will be a collaborative, discussion-based experiential workshop where we will explore with each other our introjected parents and our many Cultural selves acquired from complex cultural sources with a view to letting go of beliefs and ways of being that
are no longer relevant to the present.
Also, we will touch on the possible impact Intergenerational Trauma could have on an individual's thoughts, behaviours and life.
I ask that you to come with a willingness to share, explore, and to learn from and with each other, and I hope that we will all go away enriched.
Yinka is a Certified Transactional Analysis specialising in Psychotherapy, and an accredited member of BACP. She is a registered Practitioner in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) and a trained, Level 1-3, Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner. Yinka enjoys selecting from a range of techniques and theories to work with a diverse range of clients
Aims and Objectives:
- Exploration of self.
- Talk about the many cultural influences and messages that we take into the therapy room.
- Discuss the impact of our introjected Parents on ourselves and on our clients.
- Take a look at the impact Intergenerational Trauma could have on our thoughts, behaviours and life choices.
Theory to be covered:
- Introjected parents.
- Cultural selves.
- Transgenerational trauma.
- Script Beliefs.
- Relational Needs.
Main Focus: Psychotherapy, Counselling.
TA Knowledge needed: Basic/101.
Style of workshop: Experiential, Discussion.
Number of participants: max 15.
Beren Aldridge (CTA, PTSTA)
When the unexpected occurs: Examining Games and Enactments in our important relationships.
We will explore and make sense of those moments in relationships where unconscious experience emerges and unexpectedly determines the outcome of an encounter. The transactional analysis concept of games and the psychoanalytic concept of enactments will be considered to help us understand these difficult relational experiences that can often lead to rupture.
Using the ideas of TA writers such as Stuthridge, Cornell and Novak, we will consider our work or personal relationships with others; as individuals, as therapists or educators, or as managers or consultants. We will look at examples of games and enactments, and we will think about the roles trauma and dissociation play in such moments.
Beren Aldridge is a psychotherapist, supervisor, and trainer in private practice in Kendal. He is cochair of the Training, Standards, and Accreditation Committee for the United Kingdom Association for Transactional Analysis (UKATA) and an editorial board member of the Transactional Analysis Journal (TAJ).
Aims and Objectives: Greater clarity about how to understand such moments, and how to address them when they occur, and perhaps greater capacity to work within the difficult psychological processes other people invite us to experience
Theory to be Covered: The transactional analysis concept of games and the psychoanalytic concept of enactments will be considered.
Main focus: Psychotherapy, Counselling, Educational.
TA Knowledge Required: Advanced.
Style of Presentation: Experiential; Didactic; Discussion.
Ian Tomlinson (CTA, Member of Imago International Training Institute)
TA and Imago Relationship Therapy - Good Bedfellows?
In this workshop I will examine how TA concepts are used in Imago Relationship Therapy and where Imago may depart from the TA model.
Ian is a UKCP registered psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer. He is a member of the Imago International Training institute and an Advanced Imago Therapist and Workshop Presenter. Ian trains other therapists to become Certified Imago Relationship Therapists in Manchester and also delivers trainings in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to therapists, charities and the NHS.
Aims and Objectives:
- To inform those who want to learn more about Imago Relationship Therapy.
- To help put Imago Relationship Therapy into TA language.
- To explain the Imago Dialogue Process and why we use this in Imago Relationship Therapy.
Theory to be covered: TA and Imago basic paradigms and principles.
Main focus: Psychotherapy; Counselling; Educational.
TA Knowledge Required: None.
Style of Presentation: Experiential; Discussion; Didactic.
Number of Participants: Unlimited.
Claire Bowers (CTA - P, MSc Psychotherapy, BEd) THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW FULL
Neurodivergent Super Powers = Super Possibilities
Within TA, we believe that each person has worth, value, dignity, and deserves to be treated accordingly. However, within our society this isn't always the case, particularly for people who are Neurodivergent. Research shows that Acceptance is the foundation stone for working effectively with Neurodivergent Clients (Bowers and Widdowson 2023).
Building on research, we will consider how Neurodivergent people may risk oppression by our society (whether consciously or unconsciously), what beliefs we may hold as practitioners that risk further oppression or alienation and how we can build a foundation stone of acceptance of neurodivergence in and outside our treatment rooms.
We will explore how Neurodivergent 'Super Powers' can be celebrated in the therapy room, looking at how clients' 'special interests' can be used. We will use Bowers and Widdowson's Relational Affirmations to explore how a 'heart to heart' connection can be formed between therapist and client, giving Permission for Neurodivergent clients' core selves to emerge safely in relationship and what possibilities may arise from this.
Claire is a CTA in Psychotherapy living and practising in Liverpool. She is interested in creativity and play in the therapeutic relationship and the use of these to create a safe space for clients' authentic selves to emerge. Claire has ADHD and dyscalculia and has become very interested in Neurodivergence in the therapeutic relationship as a result of this. She is due to sit her TEW in April 2024.
Aims and Objectives:
- To explore how Neurodivergent clients may be treated within society and how this may
be continued in the therapy room. - To explore the importance of acceptance within the therapeutic relationship.
- To explore the possibilities and potentials of Neurodivergent clients (and the therapeutic relationship).
Theory to be covered:
- Current Research.
- Acceptance in Relationship.
- Working with Neurodivergence.
- Therapeutic Relationship.
- Change or Outcome Focussed?
Main focus: Psychotherapy, Educational.
TA Knowledge Required: 101.
Number of Participants: max 20.
Jim Davis TSTA(P)
Relating in groups
So much of our relational experience takes place in groups, both as participants and facilitators. In all these groups it is mostly the group process that influences what happens, whatever the task to be accomplished. In this workshop the task will be to reflect on and share our experiences of being in this group, and make connections with our experience in other groups. My belief is that enhancing our capacity to engage in group life is essential in changing our social lives, which have become increasingly marked by a marked shift from social engagement to a narcissistic withdrawal into individualism, with profound consequences socially and politically.
Jim has been a member and facilitator of just about every type of group you can imagine in his 35 years in TA.
Aims and Objectives: Enhancing our capacity to engage in group life.
Theory to be Covered: Group process.
An experiential workshop including discussion, where no prior TA knowledge is required.
Real and Present Theatre (RaPT) with Emma Willmer (BA, MA, UKCP Reg Psychotherapist and Supervisor)
Real and Present Theatre, RaPT - Managing Power and Systems
We are an improvising theatre company, made up mostly of practicing therapists and counsellors - we use psycho-drama methods to hear your stories and interpersonal narratives, then play them back (*the theatrical form is called 'Playback theatre') in a variety of improvised forms. RaPT is always telling the Story of Relationship - and all its paradigms, purposes and possibilities - in a way that is spontaneous, immediate, embodied, potent and 3-dimensional. By sharing your relational stories with us, and watching what we create, we hope you might import some of our methods into your clinical work, and gain insight into the power of enactment in promoting insight, catharsis and change. You will be invited to take a directive role in what we create - or even participate in the performance
Emma is a Senior Psychological Therapist with the NHS and take a psychodynamic approach to therapy, along with my background as a Gestaltist. I am a great believer in play and creativity as a route to promoting insight breaking script and promoting growth. Real and Present Theatre, RaPT are a group of like-minded people and we love to hear stories, and to retell every story we hear with love, respect, creativity and perhaps a new perspective.
Aims and Objectives:
- To engage with relationship in a less theoretical, more visual, involving, embodied and collaborative way.
- To explore how we habitually place ourselves in relation to the Other - and what we gain from that.
- To find universal relational patterning within specific stories - to articulate & express underlying paradigms.
- To explore the possibilities of creating or seeing fresh end points for stories, in order
to promote growth and freedom from script.
Theory to be Covered:
- The stories you share and we enact, might be discussed theoretically depending on the responses and wishes of the story-tellers and group. Participants will be invited to bring in any theoretical ideas y they see emerging during the multiple, short performances we make.
- We will situate individual stories within the socio-cultural paradigm out of which they arise.
- We will look implicitly and explicitly at payoffs in the stories we tell others and tell ourselves - in particular, the end points we identify and conclusions we draw.
Main focus: Psychotherapy, Counselling.
TA Knowledge Required: None.
Style of Presentation: Experiential, discussion and demonstration.
Co-Presenting Workshop with: A group of mostly therapists and teachers of various persuasions.